You can take part on one day or participate on both the 9-10 and 16-17 November.
Garage Sale Trail
Garage Sales made easy over two big weekends!
Event details: Make or save money over two weekends in November as over 400,000 Australians host a garage sale or shop the trail as a part of the nation's biggest second-hand treasure hunt. That’s to the support of City of Newcastle, it's free to register and you can take part on one day or participate on both the 9-10 and 16-17 November.
No garage? No worries. Join a group sale near you, host from your unit block, a car boot, a local school or make it a pop-up street party.
When: 9-10 and 16-17 November 2024
Where: Across Newcastle LGA and around the nation
Cost: Free to register to participate
Sign up now to receive:
· A listing on the national sales map viewed by thousands of eager bargain hunters
· Free promo resources that include letterbox slips, directional signage, posters and more
· Support from the garage sale experts