ArtsNational Newcastle offers a lecture on the arts once a month on a Monday evening. Visit the website: https://artsnationalnewcastle.org.au/
A realist painter of modern urban life, John Brack emerged as an artist during the 1950s and took as his principal subject the people and life of Melbourne. He became one of Australia’s most challenging and important artists of the 20th century.
Emeritus Professor Sasha Grishin was the Sir William Dobell Professor at ANU. He studied art history at the universities of Melbourne, Moscow, London and Oxford and works internationally as an art historian, art critic and curator. He has published books and articles dealing with various aspects of art.
For several decades Professor Grishin worked with Brack and in 1990 published a two-volume monograph The Art of John Brack.
The lecture will be followed by a reception and an opportunity to meet Professor Grishin.
For more information visit the website: https://artsnationalnewcastle.org.au/