Thursday 27 March 2025, 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Friday 28 March 2025, 9:30 pm to 10:30 pm
Saturday 29 March 2025, 9:30 pm to 10:30 pm
Award-winning comedian and burlesque jester Lauren Bok unleashes her one-woman extravaganza, Boklesque! Armed with her wit, a clown nose, and an arsenal of characters from the quirky Poppy Loppyplops to the sultry Rose De La Fleur Le Saint Teeze, Bok serves up an evening of laughs, gasps, and vaudevillian variety, where every costume change unveils a new layer of hilarity as Lauren proves why comedy is the sexiest art form of all.
★★★★½ “Lauren Bok is infectiously hilarious, undeniably gorgeous and her Boklesque is fierce, proudly feminine, and funny as hell.” - Lilithia Reviews.